Sunday, November 13, 2011

No More Animals

2ndUse From Dogma to New Joy
So we have the 'limit plus one' for animals on our property (county code). The animals are well-cared for and we have no complaints from our neighbors.
We told our four girls, "No more cats or dogs," even as animals pass in our family we aren’t replacing them right away.
My daughter Annie is 17.  Finding her ‘own way’ very quickly. She is so full of life and creation.  She has a boy friend, Jess, and they are quite serious and perhaps he will be the one and only, the gods know for sure.
They got a puppy, Ruger, yep named after a firearms maker. Jess's passion is to hunt; he does so very responsibly. They promised us that the dog was theirs to care for, they would take care of everything, and for  most of the time he will be at Jess’s parents house. I must admit that they are brilliant custodians but needless to say, we have a new dog.
I must admit Ruger has added vitality to our household, along with some chewing.

A typical joyful Ruger greeting

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