Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween 2011

 2nd Use From Costume Accessory to Dad is "That Good"
Maura posing with wand

I told a dear friend, Shelley, that my daughter was Hermione Granger this year for Halloween. Shelley asked me if I took pictures because she wanted to see  Maura as Hermione. So Shelley is the inspiration for this blog.
As the story goes, Maura announced to us that she wanted to be the Hermione character from the Harry Potter series.  Why not? She is of Anglo Northern Irish decent so she looks the part. We can buy the Hogwarts costume at the WallyMartType store. The catch was she wanted a wand that was more like the movie version, and had rejected a store bought wand because it looked wrong, too twisted.
I, being a dad with a complete wood shop including a lathe, volunteered to make her a wand. But I wanted her there to watch and art-direct the project. Her delight, or perhaps relief, as she saw me set up the lathe and start to carve the wand, increased my resolve for the project. If you have ever watched something turned on a wood lathe it is magical in the way the wood takes shape as it is carved. Following her lead, we pretended it was a real magically empowered wand being made. The wand truly did have the power to create a shared moment and feelings of love between father and daughter. Needless to say she was thrilled.
The next evening my wife, Rebecca, told me that she noticed the wand being used as a substitution for a lost drum stick for a certain interactive video game.
Rebecca said to Maddie and Maura, "I bet daddy could make you a new drumstick the same way he made the wand."
Maura told Rebecca,” Oh ya, daddy could--he is that good!"
I have never received a more impactful review of my work in my life.

Maddie being a zombie
Maddie was a zombie cop and she designed her own costume and makeup.

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