Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Unrelated Situation


From Not News to the New News

There was quite the excitement at Red Rocks Community College the other day while I was attending  my class on digital media.   Apparently some students in a chemistry lab mixed a couple of things and made a no-no which called for some evacuation of a section of the campus.

On my way out to my truck I took this shot as a passing thought, the thought being, "what if this image came in handy, if a real event took place I would have documentation."

Nothing really came of the 'miss mixture event',  and I forgot about it until I got this voice mail from Red Rocks Community College.  I realized how different my experience of the evacuation was from that of the droid voice I listened to telling me to ignore the smoking gun.

I decided to create a digital document from my  'moment captured'.   I have now published my take of this event on the social network, where it can become part of the information saturation form of pollution we seem to be drawn to.

This story can now become part of the - No News is the New News - phenomenon.